Real Estate Planning

Build, Protect, and Transfer Wealth Through Real Estate

Mission: Our Driving Force

Witnessing so many families torn apart by real estate disputes in the wake of a loved one’s passing was deeply disheartening. Learning that 70% of families endure family disputes over real estate made us realize the urgent need for change, and we were determined to spark that transformation. 

The problems our clients encountered inspired us to be the solution. Every day we see these challenges:

  • Families fighting over real estate.
  • Seniors living in dangerous conditions and unaware of safer alternatives. 
  • Parents worried about the transfer of wealth to their children.
  • Paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital gains taxes.
  • Families struggling with the daunting probate and trust process.
  • Owning rental properties without the insights to evaluate the rate of return of their property.
  • Frustrated investors, overwhelmed by rental property hassles and unaware of solutions.

Encountering these challenges repeatedly highlighted a critical need for guidance and solutions. This gave birth to the Real Estate Planner!

Changing the Industry from Transactional Agents to Relational Consultants

We realized the industry is predominantly transactional, where agents are facilitators of transactions. We want to spark the industry to be more relational and act as a consultants to provide comprehensive guidance tailored to clients’ needs.


This shift mirrors the evolution seen in the financial industry, from stock brokers to financial planners. We believe in creating a plan that helps you build, protect, and transfer wealth through real estate.



How do you Know What's Best for you?

We start by understanding not only your short-term objectives but also your lifelong aspirations and the legacy you wish to build. Then we analyze your current portfolio and, craft strategies that align with your timeline and aspirations. Our approach is centered on education and empowerment, ensuring you’re well-informed about your options and their respective advantages and drawbacks, enabling you to make decisions that best serve your objectives.

What a Real Estate Plan can do for you:

Forge a Legacy Plan for your Children/Loved ones

Eliminate Family Disputes Over Real Estate

Help you Build, Protect, and Transfer Wealth

Strategize to Defer and Eliminate Capital Gains Taxes

Analyze the Performance of your Investment Properties

Exchange Lower Performing Assets for Higher Performing Properties

Explore Options for Safe/Comfortable Living Environments for Seniors

Help Navigate the Complex Trust and Probate process

Prevent your children/loved ones from having to go through probate

Pre-Determine your Kid's Inheritance

Coordinate Home Renovations, Building, and Flipping.

Military and Corporate Relocations

Real Estate community

We Believe in Helping You

Build Wealth

Building wealth with real estate

Did you know that 90% of millionaires have built their wealth through real estate?

Protect WEalth

protect wealth in real estate

Did you know that capital gains tax is the biggest enemy to generational wealth?

Transfer WEalth

transfer of wealth with real estate

Did you know that 70% of families fight over real estate?

When we talk about wealth, we mean much more than just financial resources. It encompasses a rich tapestry of life’s treasures, including deep and fulfilling relationships with family, robust mental, physical, and spiritual health, a wealth of knowledge, enriching experiences that broaden our horizons, and the profound satisfaction of giving back to the community. 

Asset Performance Test

Real Estate investment analysis

Do you Know the Performance of Your Rental/Investment Properties?

An Asset Performance Test can help you:

  • Discover the cash-on-cash return for your rental properties.

  •  Determine if your investment is underperforming, overperforming, or on par.

  • Understand why your investment is underperforming, overperforming, or on par.

  • Discover what other real estate investment opportunities are out there.

  • Solutions for those who don’t want to be landlords anymore.

  • If you could make more money, would you?

Senior Living Options

We Believe in Safe/Comfortable Living Environments as we age.

Commonly Asked Questions

  • How do you know when it’s time to move?

  • What are my options if my current home is no longer suitable for me?

  • What different types of care are available as I age?

  • How much will care costs?

Senior Living Options

  • Downsizing to Smaller Home

  • Aging in Place

  • Retirement Communities

  • Senior Equity Condo | Deeded Homes

  • Adult Residential Care Home | Care Homes

Do you know your Capital Gains Tax Liability?

We all love how real estate appreciates over time. However, the gain on your home or investment property will have tax consequences when you sell.

  • Would it be helpful to know how much capital gains tax you will pay when  you sell?
  • Would it be useful to learn strategies to eliminate capital gains taxes?
real estate capital gains tax

Navigating the Complexities of Trusts and Probates

We believe in avoiding probate using through the strategic use of trusts, ensuring a seamless and efficient solutions for asset management.​

Explore The Essentials:

  • What is a Trust?
  • Different Types of Trusts
  • Benefits of a Trust
  • What is my Role as a Trustee
  • What are my Duties and Responsibilities as a Trustee?

Are You a Trustee And Not Sure What To Do?

Learn the Roles, Duties, and Responsibilities as a Trustee

A Trust Can Help You:

  • Control and Protect Assets

  • Avoid Probate

  • Tax Benefits

  • Privacy

  • Planning for Incapacity 

  • Estate Planning

Featured Videos

Honolulu Home Tours

Honolulu, Hawaii Real Estate

Ihara Team: Our Story

Hawaii Real Estate Team: Who are We | What we Believe | How we are different

Consultant Approach

Educational videos so you can make an informed decision.

Hawaii's Top Real Estate Team

Top Real Estate Agent Hawaii
0 +
Clients served
0 +
In Transactions
$ 0 +
Saved Clients in Capital Gains Tax
$ 0 +
Families Disputes Prevented
0 +
In Oahu (Out of 7,500)
Top 0

Map of Ihara Team Homes Bought/Sold

Key: Sold = Red | Bought = Blue

Client Testimonials

Renovation Work

We have reliable and trusted vendors who meet our strict quality standards. Not only can we introduce you to these professionals, but we also take on the responsibility of overseeing their work for you. Our initial step involves securing a detailed estimate for the proposed scope of work. Should you decide to proceed, we take care of the rest, allowing you to remain stress-free and focused on what matters most to you.

Bathroom Before
real estate renovation

Looking For Trusted Professionals?

  • Financial Planners
  • Trust Attorney
  • CPA/Tax Advisor
  • Lender
  • Insurance
  • Contractors
  • Roofers
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Painters
  • Appraiser’s
  • Landscapers
  • Cleaners
  • Etc